Saturday, November 20, 2010

A prayer answered

Having attended a session of an ongoing alcohol and substance abuse recovery group recently, I was given some homework.  Among the things I was to do was to think about some things I'm afraid of, and not to move until I was no longer afraid of them.  I decided that applying for a job had become one of those, and almost immediately set out to do so.  While driving, I realized that I needed to tap into the salt-water well and renew my connection with my Ocean Father.  As soon as I had the thought, I saw myself praying in a seaside temple.  I prayed for the strength to find a job.  I have since been offered a job, and am thankful to Poseidon for helping me not only overcome my fear, but for giving me a sign of His power when I needed one.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Offering to the Provender of Plants

Last Sunday, while tubing on the Styx River in Baldwin County, Alabama, Poseidon reached up from the deepest part of that little stream as I passed over, and took my glasses.  I believe he was reminding me that my vision, as an artist, is within his realm.  I devoted my art to his service last year, and have since failed to act on that promise.  As the oil spill in the Gulf finds its way into the estuaries which I love, I have not done the work which I swore I would do in his name.  I realize that I must get hot on it as I borrow money for new glasses today.  Please pray for my spiritual fitness to serve our Ocean Lord.